
10:05 PM

There is a reason I don't talk much about my life back in high school. I could narrate what I have experienced but not into detail. Without realizing it, my brain purposely suppressed the details and covered them with my achievements. I still can remember the names and the faces, but the bits and pieces of the events remain a blur.

However, these stories still make up for who I am now - no matter how hard my brain would try to bury them in the ground.

On the way back home from an urgent talk needed by a friend, I was comforted realizing how God indeed uses both good and bad experiences in counseling other people. This friend of mine needed my advice on deciding if she would quit her job or not. She had the same dilemma as I did, along with certain circumstances. Upon arriving home, she sent me one of the sweetest messages I received from a friend:

It is not always that I receive this kind of encouragement and appreciation.
But when I do, it really tears me up. I don't know the impact that I leave when I am with people, so when such uplifting words are said, I am truly grateful.
God has written a story in everyone of us. The greatest story we could tell others is how the God, who created the heavens and the earth, demonstrated His love for all of us. This is the reason I decided to return blogging, especially in this time I am faithfully "walking on water".
So, what's your story?