I am an INTJ - What's Yours?

4:27 PM

I was an emotionally-turbulent-with-a-rationale-of-an-adult high school student back when I first took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a "psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions." Going back when I was an emotionally-turbulent-with-a-rationale-of-an-adult high school student, my result surprisingly indicated I am an INTJ. Nearly 10 years to the present, when I took the test, I was surprised that the result remained the same! To make it fun, I have copied statements and areas from 16personalities.com (where I took the same test again) and commented to each one of them. Some of them are self-explanatory, so I won't be commenting on them.

(Warning: This will probably be my most lengthy post, but c'mon, let's have a little fun.)

INTJs form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population...
So I am a rare human being that composes 0.8% of the population. I don't know if this pertains to the country or the world. Wow.

A. Nothing Can Stop the Right Attitude From Achieving Its Goal
With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.
I admit I was a bookworm. My mother told me that when I was a baby she made me choose between a book or a toy. I immediately whipped my head towards the book. The bookworm in me further grew - beginning with a 7-volume scientific encyclopedia to academic journals at present. In short, nerd po ako na nagbabalat-kayo.
A paradox to most observers, INTJs are able to live by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense – at least from a purely rational perspective. For example, INTJs are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealists and the bitterest of cynics, a seemingly impossible conflict. But this is because INTJ types tend to believe that with effort, intelligence and consideration, nothing is impossible, while at the same time they believe that people are too lazy, short-sighted or self-serving to actually achieve those fantastic results. Yet that cynical view of reality is unlikely to stop an interested INTJ from achieving a result they believe to be relevant.
 B. In Matters Of Principle, Stand Like a Rock
INTJs radiate self-confidence and an aura of mystery, and their insightful observations, original ideas and formidable logic enable them to push change through with sheer willpower and force of personality. At times it will seem that INTJs are bent on deconstructing and rebuilding every idea and system they come into contact with, employing a sense of perfectionism and even morality to this work. Anyone who doesn’t have the talent to keep up with INTJs’ processes, or worse yet, doesn’t see the point of them, is likely to immediately and permanently lose their respect.
 My self-confidence took quite some time to develop over the years. I think it was only after I turned 18 when I could really say that I was confident of myself. I have no idea if I radiate that mysterious aura, but those who personally, please tell me if I do or do not. When having deep conversations with a group of people, I usually am the quiet one. Aside from falling to the spiral of silence, I am actually "deconstructing and rebuilding" pieces of the conversation and gaining "insightful observations". Wow. Ang deep.
Rules, limitations and traditions are anathema to the INTJ personality type – everything should be open to questioning and reevaluation, and if they see a way, INTJs will often act unilaterally to enact their technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and almost always unorthodox methods and ideas. 
This isn’t to be misunderstood as impulsiveness – INTJs will strive to remain rational no matter how attractive the end goal may be, and every idea, whether generated internally or soaked in from the outside world, must pass the ruthless and ever-present “Is this going to work?” filter. This mechanism is applied at all times, to all things and all people, and this is often where INTJ personality types run into trouble.
This is probably one of the statements I do not entirely agree with and relies entirely on what "rules, limitations and traditions" are being discussed here. But in general, I always ask "why?" because I want to satisfy the congruence of logic. If I don't see the logic between the rules, limitations and traditions and the given answer, then I will keep on asking "why". But then again, there's such a thing called respect.

INTJs are defined by their confidence, logic, and exceptional decision-making, but all of this hides a turbulent underbelly – their emotions. The very notion of emotional expression is synonymous with irrationality and weakness to many INTJs, a display of poor self-governance and fleeting opinion that can hardly stand up to the enduring light of factual truth.
This mistrust of emotions is understandable, as Feeling (F) is the most weakly developed trait for INTJs – like any complex tool, skilled hands can use it to remarkable effect, while untrained hands make clumsy and dangerous work. 
People with the INTJ personality type take pride in remaining rational and logical at all times, considering honesty and straightforward information to be paramount to euphemisms and platitudes in almost all circumstances. In many ways though, these qualities of coolness and detachment aren't the weapons of truth that they appear to be, but are instead shields designed to protect the inner emotions that INTJs feel. In fact, because their emotions are such an underdeveloped tool, INTJs often feel them more strongly than many overtly emotional types because they simply haven't learned how to control them effectively.
Again, another set of statements which I do not entirely agree with as they somehow conflict my results from Solving the People Puzzle and temperament. Also, the Thinking area is only 6% ahead than Feeling, which indicates that I can be sensitive towards other people's feelings and avoid being blunt. Lastly, having developed a personal relationship with Christ, I always have to be cautious to be filled with the Holy Spirit and letting the Spirit guide my life to produce fruits in my life such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

In romance, people with the INTJ personality type approach things the way they do with most situations: they compose a series of calculated actions with a predicted and desirable end goal – a healthy long-term relationship. Rather than falling head over heels in a whirlwind of passion and romance, INTJs identify potential partners who meet a certain range of pre-determined criteria, break the dating process down into a series of measurable milestones, then proceed to execute the plan with clinical precision.
Since I am not entirely emotionless as a typical INTJ is, I still tend to fall head over heels when liking and loving someone. Having a pre-determined criteria like listing down negotiables and non-negotiables, I believe, is very important because it helps reduce the selection process. Also, the Bible served as a guide on what would give glory to God (see Titus 1). I have yet to put the abovementioned theory into practice, but I could sense that every action and decision will be calculated.
Sentiment, tradition, and emotion are INTJs' Achilles Heel. Social standards like chivalry are viewed by INTJs as silly, even demeaning. The problem is, these standards have developed as a means of smoothing introductions and developing rapport, of managing expectations, the basis of personal relationships. INTJs' propensity for frank honesty in word and action tends to violate this social contract, making dating especially difficult for them.
Not true. Good manners, etiquette and respect are extremely important to me, which is why I still believe in courtship. Others might diss courtship as putting on a mask and not being entirely honest, but I can always seek a second opinion from people who possibly know him well.
INTJs are bewilderingly deep and intelligent people, bringing stability and insight into their romantic relationships. They prize honest, open communication, and all factors of the relationship are open to discussion and change, but this must be reciprocated. INTJs do what they think is right, and sometimes that comes across as cold – it's important to know that INTJs don't make these decisions lightly. They spend a tremendous amount of time and energy trying to understand why and how things go wrong, especially if they've devoted themselves to the relationship, and they certainly hurt deeply when things fall apart. 
The challenge is finding partners who share those same values – though Intuitive (N) types are uncommon, they may be a must for many INTJs, as sharing this trait creates an immediate sense of mutual belonging. Having one or two balancing traits, such as Extraversion (E), Feeling (F), or Prospecting (P) can help to keep a relationship dynamic and growth-oriented by keeping INTJs involved with other people, in touch with their emotions, and open to alternate potentials.
I agree. This ice princess wouldn't mind having a little sunshine as long as we share the same values, most especially in terms in faith and vision.

So that's about it. I left out some areas to leave a little mystery, but you can access the full text at http://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality. I encourage everyone to take this test so that you can know more of yourself such as your strengths, weaknesses and even potential.